1:1 Initiative Resources


The Centennial School District recognizes the importance of providing students with the tools, resources, and support to navigate a technology-rich, #FutureReady learning environment. Our 1:1 Initiative will equip all of our students with the skills necessary to maximize their abilities, find success, and thrive beyond Centennial, whether they continue with their education (College Ready) or enter the workforce (Career Ready). The district's goal is to provide access to technology in all K-12 classrooms with no fee for students or parents.

In a 1:1 learning environment, each student has a personal and portable device available to use in every class and at home as well. This practice is widely known as "anytime, anywhere" learning with an emphasis on 21st-century learning. When every student has a device, teaching and learning become much more dynamic and engaging, which leads to deeper understanding and more connections to real-world applications. Students can collaborate online with their peers in the classroom, across classrooms, with other schools, and countries to gain and contribute multiple perspectives. They can use their devices to research, gather, and evaluate information; write summaries, analyses, and opinions; and communicate effectively to convey meaning and rationale.

While in class, students may use their devices to take notes, do research, write assignments, complete online quizzes, create multimedia presentations, and/or collaboratively work through shared documents. In their classes, students will become proficient using a variety of digital platforms such as Microsoft Office and Google Apps tools that are used in higher education and careers.

Agreements, Device Care, Responsibilities & Procedures, and Policies

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