CSSCA (Blended Credit Recovery)
The services at the Centennial Satellite School and Cyber Academy (CSSCA) include both cyber-learning courses and traditional teacher-led classes. The cyber courses feature a digital curriculum from Educere. The program at CSSCA is designed to service students who thrive in a smaller learning environment as well as 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students in need of credit recovery. The blended learning program at CSSCA along with its proximity to William Tennent High School, provides our students with an expanded array of options to meet individual student needs.
To service students in need of credit recovery and students identified as at-risk.
To provide students with an expanded array of options and additional supports.
To promote successful high school completion.
To equip students with the necessary skills for success in education and employment.
Credit Recovery
11th Grade - Students with less than 20 credits are candidates for CSSCA.
10th Grade - Students with less than 12 credits are candidates for CSSCA.
9th Grade - Students with less than 4 credits are candidates for CSSCA.
Students struggling with attendance issues are candidates for CSSCA.
Students with anxiety or social issues are candidates for CSSCA.
Students transitioning back from a placement or charter school are candidates for CSSCA.
Students with school phobia or trouble adjusting to a "big school" environment are candidates for CSSCA.
More Information
For information about attending CSSCA, students and their parents should speak with their school counselor. In most cases where students are not meeting success in courses at William Tennent High School, students will be required to attend CSSCA in order to graduate on time with the appropriate number of credits. For more information about CSSCA, please Email Mr. Ryan Mulford, assistant principal, at 215-441-6181 ex. 12002.