Fitness Tips

 Physical health and fitness contribute to our overall wellness. With so much information out there, it can be hard to know where to start and what's right for you. You can always talk to a family member, your doctor, and your Health and PE teacher if you have questions about physical health and fitness. 

To get you started,  here are 10 tips from WTHS Health and PE teacher, Mr. Shapiro

  1. Start slow - Too many people see an Instagram post and believe they have to follow that person to be successful.  It is your body!

  2. Ask for help -  Nobody has all the answers, but getting assistance can make a huge difference.

  3. Pick up a weight (if you're 13 or older) - Strength training is a key to building muscle, reducing body fat, and just feeling strong.

  4. Move often - Sitting for long periods of time is a recipe for feeling sluggish, tired, and it is just plain bad for your health.

  5. Find something you love -  Getting in shape rarely happens when you don’t enjoy the activity you’re doing.  

  6. Get a buddy -  Building your best body is always better when your friend is doing it with you. 

  7. Eat clean -  Yes, this isn’t an exercise tip.  But eating clean goes hand in hand with getting in great shape.  Avoid added sugar, lots of fats, and processed foods.

  8. Plan for success - Coming up with your fitness plan will keep you motivated and on task.  Ask for help if you don’t know how to do this.

  9. Praise yourself - Once progress starts, and it will start, please give yourself praise.

  10. Have a goal - Making realistic goals is a huge part of fitness improvement.  Without them, it’s hard to stay focused when challenges come up.

Final Quote to Consider - Each of us has the power to be better each day.  No matter how hard it may seem, taking small steps each day will have a huge impact.  You can do it!

Click here for the CDC recommendations for physical activity by age level.