Online and Digital Learning


Here at Centennial School District (CSD), we strive to understand and meet the unique needs of each of our learners. To that end, we provide multiple scholastic pathways in addition to our traditional brick-and-mortar school day. Our Centennial Virtual Learning Academy (CVLA) offers an additional pathway: an asynchronous virtual learning path.  Additionally, CSD offers blended credit recovery via Centennial Satellite School and Cyber Academy (CSSCA). 

Synchronous learning comes from the Latin “syn” which means “together at the same” and “chron” which means “time.” Students engaged in synchronous learning would meet with an online teacher during a set time or schedule. The addition of “a”, meaning “not”, implies that students engaged in asynchronous learning will not have required meeting times but can complete work according to their own schedules. Our asynchronous model here at Centennial does allow students to schedule synchronous meeting times with their online teacher when necessary.

Contact Information

Administration Building
Centennial School District   |  48 Swan Way  |  Warminster, PA 18974
215-441-6000 (Phone)  |  215-394-0712 (Fax)

Ms. Kristin Herman | Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning | 215-441-6000 x11024