SEAL & PA Career Ready Skills
SEAL & PA Career Ready Skills
92% of surveyed executives say skills such as problem-solving and communicating clearly are equal to or more important than technical skills.
89% said they have a very or somewhat difficult time finding employees with those skills.
Six of the identified top ten skills for the future involve social and emotional competence, including complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.
These skills are modeled and practiced at home, in the community, and at school.
As a result of this data, the Department of Education convened a task force and in 2015, and in 2018 released the Pennsylvania Career Ready Skills. This framework provides a pathway for schools to integrate SEAL skills with academic skills to best prepare students for college, the workplace, and careers.

To see the Career Ready PA skills across grades K-12, click here.
In 2023, CSD hosted the first PA Career Ready Skills Community Forum. Take a look below!