Secondary Transition

Pennsylvania Secondary Transition services are provided to students with IEP's beginning at age 14. Students and parents are provided with surveys to begin to determine post-secondary interests regarding education/training, employment, as well as their ability to access the community and living arrangements. This information becomes an integral part of the IEP and is reviewed yearly. The goal of all transition services is to best prepare our students to be successful producers and consumers after completing high school


Planning for the Future Checklist

Students and parents can use this checklist to prepare for life after high school. They can bring it to meetings with school and/or agency supporters to talk about progress and how best to plan for the future.

Transition - What Families Need To Know
Students and parents can access this resource to assist in the meeting the challenges of developing a meaningful transition program.

Secondary Transition FAQ
Access this resource to find the answers of frequently asked questions.

Transition Road Map
The process of preparing students for adult life can be simplified through accessing the
Secondary Transition Road Map. This resource is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

Navigating Agencies- A resource of agencies and contact information.

The Transition Coordinating Council of Bucks County.
The Bucks County Transition Coordinating Council gathers community members who collaborate to develop resources and supports for transitioning students and families. The link above provides information on agency supports, waiver funding, self-advocacy, and employment resources.

PATTAN - Family Engagement for Secondary Transition

One of the most important ways for you to be involved in your child's education is to be informed. There are many resources, training events, and videos available on the Pattan link above to assist students and families in learning about the transition process.