State Mandated Screenings


  • The school nurse shall perform hearing tests on all students in grades Kindergarten through 3rd, and 7th and 11th grades annually.

  • Special Education students having a history of auditory problems shall be screened in grades Kindergarten through 12th annually or more often as necessary.


  • The school nurse shall perform a vision screening on all students grades Kindergarten through 12th annually.

Height and Weight

  • The school nurse shall weigh and measure all students grades Kindergarten through 12th annually and calculate Body Mass Index (BMI).


  • Screening for scoliosis shall be conducted for all 6th and 7th grade students as required by Pennsylvania regulations by the school nurse or medical doctor.

Physical Examination

  • The Pennsylvania School Health law requires that students have a physical examination dated after January 1st of the current year on original entry to school, grades six and eleven, either by the private physician or school doctor. Students transferring to the Centennial School District without record of a recent examination in the previous school shall be required to have a physical examination. Written parent/guardian permission will be required for the physical examination to be performed in school.

Dental Examination

  • The Pennsylvania School Health law requires that students have a dental examination, dated after January 1st, prior to original entry to school, grades three and seven, either by private dentist or school dentist. Students transferring to the Centennial School District without record of a recent dental examination in the previous school will be required to have a dental examination. Written parent/guardian permission will be required for the dental examination to be performed in school.