Stopfinder App Instructions

Go to your app store and download the Stopfinder App.

Select the install button.

The email address that was sent to you will be your log in. Create a password.

  1. With your personalized invitation, your student’s busing information will automatically fill in.

    Next, set up GeoAlerts around your student’s bus stop and the school to get alerts about the location of the bus.

    To set a GeoAlert, select the AM bus number.

  1. A map will open showing:

  • Your student’s bus stop, marked with a red dot.

  • Your student’s home, marked with a house icon.

  • Your student’s school, marked with a school shaped icon.

 Touch the bell icon at the bottom right corner of your screen.

  1. A new screen with multiple options.  Select “Add GeoAlert.”

  1. Name your GeoAlert (Home, Dad’s, Daycare, etc.) and hit save.

  1. A red circle will appear on your map.

  2. Line up the circle with your student’s bus stop.

  1. Adjust the size of the circle to encompass the area around the bus stop.

  2. When you are satisfied with the placement and size of the GeoAlert, press save in the top right corner. This can be adjusted later.

  1. You can set up multiple GeoAlerts in your app:

  • For your student’s bus stop

  • For their school

  • For multiple households

  • For daycares

  1. To add additional GeoAlerts, repeat steps 1 through 8.

  2. For the alerts to work, enable the push notifications in your phone’s settings for the Stopfinder app.