Student Advisory Council (SAC)
The Superintendent wants to engage students as true partners in the educational process. Therefore, we invite our middle schools and high school to have student representatives to serve as the Student Advisory Council (SAC) members as we work to build a solid student-school partnership.
The SAC will consist of approximately 16 members (not including staff) who will meet to discuss important District issues involving the whole school community and the impact on our students. Members are selected via recommendations from school principals.
SAC Members will:
Actively participate in 4 meetings per year alongside the Superintendent and staff
Share input on upcoming policy decisions and operational practices within the Centennial School District
Discuss student perspectives on topics impacting the District
Build relationships with other students throughout the District
Provide feedback to the Superintendent
Be responsible for sharing, promoting, and communicating information to students in the community in collaboration with their respective building principals.