Student|Family Device Agreement

Device Breakdown
Grades K-1 = iPad
Grades 2-12 = Chromebook
Grades K-12 CVLA Students = Chromebook
Device Agreement
In exchange for the Centennial School District allowing the student to use and possess a District-owned device, or any loaner or replacement device provided at the discretion of the District, I/we agree to the following:
The Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand and agree the device and charger are the property of the Centennial School District and that the student has:
no right to alter, install, or remove any hardware or software on the device.
no right to place any stickers, decals, or other decorations on the device.
Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) have access to and understand the terms and conditions of the following:
Centennial School District 1:1 Student/Family Device Agreement (this document)
Centennial School District 1:1 Student/Family Device Care & Responsibility
Centennial School District Web|Online Tools - Privacy and Consent
Centennial School District School Board Policy 815 Acceptable/Responsible Use (Students) - located in BoardDocs--Enter Public Site--Policies
Centennial School District School Board Policy 224 Care of School Property - located in BoardDocs--Enter Public Site--Policies
The Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will not permit individuals other than District personnel to access the device. The student must follow all copyright laws. The Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall not use or allow the device to be used for any illegal reasons or reasons prohibited by Board Policy 815 Acceptable/Responsible Use (Students).
If a student is having technical issues with or has had damage to the device, he/she should please visit the Technology Help Desk on our website.
In some instances, it may be necessary for a District IT Technician to access the device remotely to resolve a technical problem. If this is necessary, the Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be asked for oral permission before the remote access is performed. If oral permission for remote access is granted, a permanent record of the approval will be logged by the IT Technician along with the time, date, and duration of the access. The Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will not be asked for any permission before remote software or configuration changes sent out to all devices. Such changes may involve the correction of altered code or programming and in some cases may remove files from the device if the files are deemed to be a threat to the operation or security of the District network or are stored in unauthorized software.
The Student and Parent/Guardian understand and agree that they are not to attempt any repairs on the device and that the damaged device must be returned to the IT Technician’s Office for repair/service.
The Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) agree the device is deemed to be in the custody of the Student from the time the Student receives the device until the device is returned to a designated school representative.
In the event the device is damaged while in the custody of the Student, the Student and Parent/Guardian agree they will be responsible to the District for the cost of repairing or replacing the device. If the claim is covered by the optional District insurance, then the Student and Parent/Guardian shall only be responsible for the costs not covered by insurance, including, but not limited to, any deductible. Please see the Charges Incurred by Loss, Theft, and/or Damage Not Covered by the Insurance Premium chart below. If there has been damage to the device, he/she should please visit the Technology Help Desk on our website.
If the device is lost or stolen, the Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must immediately notify the Assistant Principal of the incident along with all relevant details no later than the next school day after the occurrence. In addition, a police report must be filed by the Student or Parent/Guardian within 48 hours of the occurrence. The Parent/Guardian and Student consent for the District to use Internet Protocol tracking until the device is located by the District or until the Parent/Guardian or Student provides written notification the device is no longer missing.
If the charger is lost or stolen, the Student/Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must notify the Assistant Principal to obtain a replacement charger. Please note, as outlined below, chargers are NOT covered by the Optional Damage Insurance. The cost of a charger by device is outlined in the chart below.
The Student understands and agrees that at the end of the school year, or upon the student's withdrawal or removal from the district, or the request from any school official, the device will be returned to the District in the same condition it was originally provided, except for normal wear and tear as determined by the District. Any failure to return the device to the District in a timely manner may be considered unlawful possession of District property, and the District may pursue legal remedies to obtain the device or its value.
Students/Users should have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy on the district-provided device, district network and/or district communications systems. All devices, networks, and communications systems are the district’s property and are to be used primarily for educational purposes. The district retains the right to access and review all electronic and voice mail, computer files, databases, and any other electronic transmissions contained in or used in conjunction with the district device, network, and communications systems.
The Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand and agree that if the District determines the Student failed to adequately care for the device, violates District rules, policies, or this agreement, and/or acted with intent to damage the District’s property, the District may refer the matter to the appropriate authorities for civil, criminal and/or juvenile proceedings.
The District will not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations incurred through the use of the device.
The Student and his/her Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall be liable to the School District for all costs and expenses incurred by the School District, including reasonable attorney’s fees, if the device is not returned when required or if this Agreement is breached in any regard.
Optional Accidental Damage Insurance. There is NO charge for the District device. However, if parents would like to purchase $30.00 insurance for accidental damages, they can do so through one of the following means:
Paying for the insurance through Vanco during the back-to-school info and forms process in Skyward (please see the Accidental Damage Insurance (Optional) webpage for more information).
Paying by cash or a check, made payable to the Centennial School District, and dropped off or mailed to the Technology Department, 48 Swan Way, Warminster, PA 18974.
The payment window will be open from Monday, August 5, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024.
This $30.00 accidental damage insurance is optional and offered to Centennial families who want the peace of mind of having their child’s device insured for accidental damages for the upcoming school year. Accidental insurance covers accidental drops, spills, cracked screens, or broken keyboards that result in the device being unusable and needing to be replaced. Accidental insurance DOES NOT cover device chargers, intentional damage, vandalism, or abuse/neglect of the device.
Throughout the year, K-5 students may be asked to travel back and forth from school with their devices.
Throughout the year, 6-12 students will travel back and forth from school with their devices.
For grades K-12, the option to purchase this insurance IS open now.
Charges Incurred by Loss, Theft, and/or Damage Not Covered by the Optional Damage Insurance Premium | |||
iPads (K-1) | Cost | Chromebooks (2-12) | Cost |
Deductible (w/insurance) | $30.00 | Deductible (w/insurance) | $30.00 |
Device Replacement | $449.00 | Device replacement | $512.00 |
Back Plate | $199.00 | Battery | $33.00 |
Broken Glass or Screen | $239.00 | Broken Keyboard | $9.00 |
Camera (Front / Rear) | $69.00 | Charger replacement | $40.00 |
Charger Replacement | $38.00 | Cracked Screen | $60.00 |
Charging Port | $89.00 | Palm Rest | $15.00 |
Headphone Jack | $69.00 | System Board - includes camera & headphone jack | $89.00 |
Home Button | $69.00 |
*Please note, if you have multiple children and are looking to have all the devices covered, you would need to purchase insurance for each device (ie - you have 3 children each with a device, you want all 3 devices covered, you would purchase 3 insurance coverages). You may only purchase insurance for some of the devices if you would like (ie - you have 3 children each with a device, you want 1 device covered, you would purchase 1 insurance coverage for that device).