Free & Reduced Meals
Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year. All information submitted to the school is kept confidential. Since meal transactions are computerized, there is no discrimination or identification of free or reduced paying students, so, all families are urged to consider this program.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Food and Nutrition Assistant at (215) 441-6000, Ext. 11023.

Free School Breakfast Program 2024-2025
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Centennial School District will be offering free school breakfasts to all students in the 2024-2025 school year.
The universal school lunch program was made possible due to a $46.5 million funding increase in the budget signed by Gov. Shapiro this month.
What constitutes a free school breakfast?
One requirement of the program is that it operates on an offer vs. serve basis - this means Centennial must "offer" all 4 breakfast components to children on a daily basis which are:
Like last year, in order for the meal to count as a claimed/reimbursable meal the child must take at least three (3) of the components above and one (1) of the components must be a fruit/vegetable. Students can take 2 fruits and a milk and that counts as a meal.